关于“Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud:挑戰研究室”的评价

关于“Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud:挑戰研究室”的评价


Deepa A. · 评论6 days之前

Ajitpalsing R. · 评论6 days之前

Ranjan G. · 评论6 days之前

PARTHVI P. · 评论6 days之前

Prakash T. · 评论6 days之前

Ajitpalsing R. · 评论6 days之前

Dhammadip A. · 评论6 days之前

Suraj A. · 评论6 days之前

Dhammadip A. · 评论6 days之前

student_03_47db303b24dd@cloudshell:~/marking/valkyrie-app (qwiklabs-gcp-03-28f44c86809d)$ gcloud container clusters create valkyrie-dev Default change: VPC-native is the default mode during cluster creation for versions greater than 1.21.0-gke.1500. To create advanced routes based clusters, please pass the `--no-enable-ip-alias` flag Note: Your Pod address range (`--cluster-ipv4-cidr`) can accommodate at most 1008 node(s). ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=403, message=Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request: resource "SSD_TOTAL_GB": request requires '900.0' and is short '600.0'. project has a quota of '500.0' with '300.0' available. View and manage quotas at https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/quotas?usage=USED&project=qwiklabs-gcp-03-28f44c86809d. student_03_47db303b24dd@cloudshell:~/marking/valkyrie-app (qwiklabs-gcp-03-28f44c86809d)$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials valkyrie-dev Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data. kubeconfig entry generated for valkyrie-dev. student_03_47db303b24dd@cloudshell:~/marking/valkyrie-app (qwiklabs-gcp-03-28f44c86809d)$ kubectl create -f k8s/deployment.yaml deployment.apps/valkyrie-dev created student_03_47db303b24dd@cloudshell:~/marking/valkyrie-app (qwiklabs-gcp-03-28f44c86809d)$ kubectl create -f k8s/service.yaml service/valkyrie-dev created Page available trought But, "Check my proggress" button returns error: Please deploy the image using deployment.yaml. Lab can't be successfully done!

Oleksandr V. · 评论6 days之前

Jay D. · 评论6 days之前

andrei v. · 评论7 days之前

5th attempt able to complete.

swati s. · 评论7 days之前

3rd attempt not able to complete step4

swati s. · 评论7 days之前

Shivam C. · 评论7 days之前

Vladimir K. · 评论7 days之前

Arunas B. · 评论7 days之前

Prasanna Kumar S. · 评论7 days之前

Sachin V. · 评论7 days之前

KOTHA S. · 评论7 days之前

Sandeep P. · 评论7 days之前

Srinivasa S. · 评论7 days之前

Alex T. · 评论7 days之前

Nicole G. · 评论7 days之前

Parasuram M. · 评论7 days之前

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